Sieve cylinder filters in the production of biofuels
For a customer in the petrochemical industry, FAUDI is supplying sieve cylinder filters to one of the largest refineries in Europe, which are used in a process for the production of biofuels.
Demanding requirements
FAUDI Sieve cylinder filters Type S26
For a long lasting and safe operation
For a customer in the petrochemical industry, FAUDI is supplying sieve cylinder filters to one of the largest refineries in Europe, which are used in a process for the production of biofuels.
The filtration task takes place in a high-quality filter housing made of CrNi steel, which was adapted to the high requirements in the refinery sector and to the individual demands of our customer.
To increase the usable filter area with compact dimensions, the mesh of the centrally installed sieve cylinder insert was pleated.
With the help of a pleated filter cloth, a multiple of the nominal filter area of a comparable smooth filter cloth can be installed in a filter housing of the same size. This ensures the use of low filter finenesses and longer filtration intervals until cleaning is necessary.
In designing the filter housing, not only the process conditions but of course also nozzle loads and other external influences were considered. Proofs of tightness of the flange connections were just as much a part of the design as proofs of the alternating loads in accordance with various regulations.
Thanks to this expert design and manufacture of this high-quality filter, safe and long-lasting operation within the plant can be guaranteed.
Facts and figures
Design regulations: AD-2000 leaflets and PED 2014/68/EU
Filtration fineness: 25 µm
Fluids: Bio oil
Filter materials: Pleated sieve cylinder
Filter area: 1,35 m²
Filtration capacity: 28 m³/h
Design pressure: Up to 25 bar (g)
Design temperature: Up to 120°C
Additional design conditions:
- Verification of flange connections according to DIN EN 1591-1
- Proof of stress due to nozzle loads and stability
- Verification of alternating load stress according to AD-2000 S2
Download now: Filtration separation limits and working ranges
Do you also have demanding requirements and are looking for a filter system that meets them? We have shown typical filter application areas and separation limits in a diagram to help you make an initial selection of a filter system.