Two sieve cylinder filters in the production hall

Sieve cylinder filters

A powerful and user-friendly sieve filter alternative.

Sieve cylinder filter with FAUDI logo -Rendering
Sieve cylinder filter-Rendering

Sieve filters: Sieve cylinder
filters (s13/S26)

FAUDI sieve cylinder filters are designed primarily for the filtration of liquid media and gases with a higher dirt content or lower filter fineness. Compared to the sieve basket filter, sieve cylinder filters are equipped with several sieve cylinders. They offer maximum filter surface area due to sieve cylinders arranged in parallel, which can be optionally equipped with wire mesh or filter bags. Sieve cylinder filters are often used as protective filters in water and wastewater systems, power plants, sewage treatment plants, refineries or in building services. They are also applied to protect pipelines, pumps and nozzles, or to protect flow meters, fittings, measuring units etc. Sieve cylinder filters are often referred to as single filters for fluids of all kinds.

If required, we are able to complement our standard sizes in welded design as needed with specially made products tailored to your use case, for example, with custom shapes and dimensions, other levels of filtration fineness and materials.

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Benefits: Your advantages
at a glance

  • Greater volumetric flow rates as
    compared to sieve basket filters
    with the same dimensions
  • Connections at same height
    in the inline version
  • Robust and user-friendly
  • Especially economical for
    large volumetric flow rates
  • Large filtration surface areas yield
    high contaminant holding
    capacities and long service lives
  • Easy insert replacement due to
    low weight of the sieve cylinder
  • Can also be equipped with
    a filter bag if desired
  • Double-filter design is possible
FAUDI sieve cylinder filters - filtration of liquid media and gases with higher dirt content or lower filter finenesses
Design layout FAUDI sieve cylinder filter

Design layout

Sieve cylinder filters (S13)

The sieve cylinder filter consists of the following components:

1. Filter inlet
2. Filter outlet
3. Sieve cylinder
4. Filter housing
5. Drain
6. Vent

Sieve cylinder filters for the filtration of liquid media and gases
Design layout FAUDI sieve cylinder filter type 26

Design layout

Sieve cylinder filters (S26)

The sieve cylinder filter consists of the following components:

1. Filter inlet
2. Filter outlet
3. Sieve cylinder
4. Filter housing
5. Drain
6. Vent
7. Differential pressure measurement

FAUDI sieve cylinder filters - filtration of liquid media and gases with higher dirt content or lower filter finenesses
FAUDI sieve cylinder filter_Rendering

how does a
sieve cylinder
filter work?

The medium enters the filter via the inlet nozzle and flows through the parallel sieve cylinders from the inside to the outside. The solid particles are retained on the inner surface of the cylinders and the filtered medium leaves the filter housing through the outlet nozzle.

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Sieve cylinder filters (S13/S26)

Data and Facts


  • Filtration fineness

    1 µm – 5,000 µm

  • Fluids

    Liquids and gases

  • Filter material

    Sieve cylinder with/without
    wire mesh of stainless steel,
    filter bag

  • Design

    S26: Inlet and outlet vertically offset;
    S13: Inlet and outlet at the same height

Industries: Where they are used


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