A filter medium dosing device in the filter technology of an engine plant / Accessories



Product category: Accessories

You need the right accessories that integrate seamlessly with our filtration solutions, in order to ensure your systems are operating at their best. Our state-of-the-art filtration technology is at the heart of efficient and reliable system performance. But our extensive range of filtration accessories is specifically designed to maximize the performance of your filtration systems, simplify maintenance and enhance the quality of your processes.

Our solutions are not just an optional add-on, but an essential component in realizing the full range of benefits of our filtration technology. From precise dosing of filtration media to efficient removal of residuals and accurate monitoring of the filtration process, every type of accessory serves a clear purpose to optimize overall performance.

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Your advantages with
our Solutions


Our filter media dosing units, return pump stations, and booster stations offer exceptional flexibility to adapt to different requirements. Whether you operate a complex industrial environment or a smaller facility, our products seamlessly adapt to meet your specific filtration needs.

Performance enhancement

The integration of scraper conveyors and measuring equipment into your filtration processes enables increased efficiency and performance. Through the removal of dirt deposits and continuous monitoring of filtration parameters, our accessories ensure that your equipment is always operating at an optimal level.


Our filtration accessories help improve the quality of your end products by reducing impurities and irregularities. By precisely dosing filtration media and regularly maintaining your systems, our solutions ensure reliable and consistent filtration that meets the highest quality standards.

Get advice

Are you looking for the right solution for your filtration task? We will be happy to advise you on which accessory best complements your filtration system.

References & Success Stories
